CyberTek Tech Festival

27-29 may 2025

Katowice | Silesian Museum


CyberTek is...
Optimistic… Creative… Looks to the future and is a driving force for change. #EnjoyTheCyber

CyberTek Tech Festival is a professional, international and unique event building a community of specialists in the field of industrial networks, monitoring and cybersecurity.

Here you will connect with an international group of speakers, consultants from various industry sectors, solution creators, users, specialists and representatives of the world of science.

This year we are hosting you in Katowice for the fourth time! The event will have 2 main thematic streams:
  • ICS cybersecurity
  • Industrial networks & technology
The conference will include substantive lectures (based on case studies), debates with the participation of cybersecurity and industrial network specialists, live discussions allowing for the involvement and active participation of attendees, and speeches by special guests from Poland and abroad.
The entive event be complemented by practical on-site workshop sessions for those interested in using the acquired knowledge in practice.This year, we have also prepared a technical playground from Tekniska for you under the slogan #EverythingConnects, with a whole lot of solutions for industrial networks to test (Ethernet switches, routers, MPLS-TP, firewalls, diodes, SIEM, EDR, NMS, NAC, backup and many others).
Exchange experiences, discuss good practices in good company and an atmosphere conducive to creativity and making connections that will pay off in the future.

CyberTek in numbers

Let's build a strong community together #OTCyberWarriors










Let's build a strong community together #OTCyberWarriors











  • Red Team; Pentesty - Offensive Security in OT
  • Blue Team (GRA, industry scenarios)
  • Incident Response, Security Operations Center (SOC), Security, Orchestration and Automation (SOAR) for OT
  • Specifics of Digital Forensics / Incident Response for automation system components (PLC, HMI)
  • OT threat tracking, risk estimation and business continuity
  • Compliance assurance, Cyber audit in OT, KSC, NIS2, IEC62443
  • OT/IT security oversight and management; Cyber software in the company
  • Architecture and (cyber)security tools in OT
  • OT monitoring; #SBOM (Management of assets, vulnerabilities and updates)
  • Remote access
  • The sum of all fears, or Gather EXP - stories and slip-ups in the IT/OT security area and implementation experiences
  • Trends and technologies that are changing industrial networks, or how cyber paradigms in OT are being impacted by: cloud / 5G / IoT / virtualization
  • Zero Trust vs. IoT
  • Software Defined Network (SDN) in ICS
  • Migration from SDH - MPLS-TP
  • Network Forensics and Analysis
  • Backup & Recovery – challenges in OT environment
  • Career path - competencies, EDU and HR #cybertalents
  • A broader view: communication with management / in IT/OT team & future trends - especially recommended for C-levels

Join the event & enjoy the cyber!

Ambassadors of CyberTek 2025

dr Marina Krotofil

Cybersecurity Professional

Søren Egede Knudsen

IT/OT Security Expert



Ambassadors of CyberTek 2025

dr Marina Krotofil

 Cybersecurity Professional

Dr Marina Krotofil jest specjalistką w dziedzinie cyberbezpieczeństwa z ponad 15-letnim doświadczeniem praktycznym w cyberbezpieczeństwie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ochrony infrastruktury krytycznej. Zarządzała i realizowała różnorodne projekty techniczne na całym świecie, w różnych dziedzinach przemysłowych i nieprzemysłowych. Marina jest również doświadczoną członkinią Red/Blue Teamer, która odkryła wiele nowych wektorów ataków i technik eksploatacji, zaprojektowała innowacyjne metody obrony i pomogła w złożonych reakcjach na incydenty. Marina często współpracuje z organizacjami międzynarodowymi w zakresie technicznych zagadnień wywiadowczych dotyczących zagrożeń, jest członkiem Black Hat Review Board i pełni funkcję ewaluatora wniosków o dofinansowanie projektów bezpieczeństwa ze środków UE.
Søren Egede Knudsen

IT/OT Security Expert

Søren Egede Knudsen jest starszym konsultantem ds. cyberbezpieczeństwa z ponad 25-letnim doświadczeniem w zakresie sieci informatycznych i cyberbezpieczeństwa. Søren rozpoczął swoją pracę zawodową w systemach IBM 3270 w 1991 r., a w zakresie sieci informatycznych i cyberbezpieczeństwa od 1993 r. Od 2009 r. Søren skupia się na cyberbezpieczeństwie ICS/OT i jest obecnie uważany za eksperta w zakresie cyberbezpieczeństwa w środowisku ICS/OT. Brał udział w wielu dużych i złożonych projektach międzynarodowych w ramach swoich dziedzin. Głównymi obszarami pracy w branży cyberbezpieczeństwa OT/ICS były architektura, audyt oparty na przepisach, analiza ruchu, oceny i testy penetracyjne oraz jako zaufany doradca. Oprócz pracy jako starszy konsultant i ekspert przedmiotowy w zakresie cyberbezpieczeństwa ICS/OT, Søren jest międzynarodowym mówcą publicznym na konferencjach poświęconych cyberbezpieczeństwu ICS/OT. Specjalnością Sørena, oprócz obszarów technicznych, jest komunikacja kierownicza i sposób przedstawiania informacji o cyberbezpieczeństwie kierownictwu. Søren pracował jako CTO w Ezenta, firmie ochroniarskiej w Danii, a także jako główny doradca w Danish Energy Agency, oprócz pracy konsultingowej. Søren jest obecnie certyfikowanym CCIE, GIAC GRID i Hardware Hacker, a także posiada tytuł MBA z Henley w Wielkiej Brytanii.

Advisory Board CyberTek 2025


Information & Data Governance Expert 


Senior OT Cybersecurity


Head of CERT Polska | NASK

dr inż. Adrian

Członek zarządu fundacji na rzecz cyberbezpieczeństwa | 17 53c

dr Łukasz

Product Cyber Security Expert | European Commission CRA Expert Group


Dyrektor ds. Cyberbezpieczeństwa | Europa Systems



dr Magdalena Wrzosek

Manager NIS and critical


Dyrektor Centrum Cyberbezpieczeństwa | AGH


Prezes Fundacji | Bezpieczna Cyberprzestrzeń


Vice President | ISACA
Katowice Chapter


Senior Security Engineer


OT Security Region Manager |

dr inż. Andrzej

Dyrektor Linii Biznesowej Cyberbezpieczeństwo | Enigma



Dyrektor Departamentu Informatyzacji / CIO/ CISA

Prabucki, PhD

Doctor of Laws and Engineer


Director | RMOTIVE

Advisory Board CyberTek 2025

Dominika Prabucka

Information & Data Governance Expert 

Information & Data Governance Expert at Hyundai Motor Europe GmbH, legal adviser. Lead auditor ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and 22301:2019. Holds the title of Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) issued by (ISC)², the title of Certified Information Privacy Professional – Europe (CIPP/E) issued by IAPP and the qualification of Cybersecurity Management Manager issued by the Polish Information Technology Society. One of the laureates of the Women4Cyber ​​& Solvay Scholarship 2024 for the Executive Master in Cybersecurity Management at Solvay Brussels School Lifelong Learning in Brussels.
Tomasz Wysztygiel

Senior OT Cybersecurity

Expert in OT cybersecurity. Specializes in creating global strategies, architectures, standards and patterns for OT cybersecurity and in the safe implementation and integration of industrial automation systems. Has practical experience in conducting security assessments, penetration tests, implementing tools and building cybersecurity services in OT environments. He gained experience at Johnson & Johnson, EY OT/IoT Hub and CSIRT GOV. Active participant in OT CTF tournaments and multiple representative of Poland in international NATO Locked Shields exercises as a member of the special systems team (OT).
Marcin Dudek

Head of CERT Polska | NASK

ICT security specialist, member of the CERT Polska team, where he co-authors a team responsible for the security of industrial control systems. Previously, he gained experience in the National Centre for Nuclear Research, PGNiG SA or ComCERT SA. Together with his team, he found and reported numerous vulnerabilities - e.g. in Siemens controllers (CVE-2018-13805), Schneider Electric (CVE-2021-22699), industrial network modules (CVE-2020-10605, CVE-2020-10609) or HMI panels (CVE-2021-27446, CVE-2021-27444, CVE-2021-27442). Multiple speaker at security-related conferences in Poland and abroad. In recent years, leader of the team - in the Polish representation - responsible for industrial systems during NATO Locked Shields exercises.
dr inż. Adrian

 Członek zarządu fundacji na rzecz cyberbezpieczeństwa 17 53c

A disciple of Professor Andrzej Grzywak, he is passionate about computer science and has been professionally involved in computer science and its applications for over 20 years. A teacher, manager, futurologist, auditor and consultant, as well as an expert in cyber security.During his career, he has held a wide range of tasks: from technical consultant to chairman of the supervisory board. Privately: new technology enthusiast, pentester, investor, collector, basketball player and lover of puzzles and lost numbers.
dr Łukasz Kister

Product Cyber Security Expert | European Commission CRA Expert Group

Practitioner with 25 years of security experience – manager, strategic advisor, lead auditor and trainer. European Commission Expert on Product Cybersecurity in the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) Expert Group. Active member of the International Society of Automation (ISA) Industrial Cyber Security Standardization Committee (ISA99), the Incident Command System for Industrial Control Systems (ICS4ICS) project at the Global Cybersecurity Alliance (ISA GCA), the Industrial Cyber Security (ICS) and Cyber-Informed Engineering (CIE) Communities of Practice at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), and the Aviation Cybersecurity Community at the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Certified Industrial Cyber Security Incident Commander – one of the top ten in the world, based on the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Incident Management System (NIMS) model. Ph.D. in Security Management from the Faculty of Special Engineering at the University of Zilina (Slovakia), and Executive MBA from the French Institute of Management and Warsaw University of Business (Poland). Certified Aviation Cybersecurity Expert at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (USA). Completed the Industrial Cyber Security Certification Track at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Privately, in love with wife, daughters and the Polish Bison Region.
Dominik Rozdziałowski

Cybersecurity Director | Europa Systems

A graduate of the Higher School of Commerce and the Higher School of Economics and Law in Kielce in the field of computer science, electronics and telecommunications. At the Higher Police School in Szczytno, he defended his postgraduate thesis on cybercrime in the banking sector. He began his service in the police, specializing in recognizing, preventing and combating economic crime and later in combating cybercrime. He served as Deputy Head of the Criminal Intelligence Department, Head of the Department for Combating Cybercrime at the Provincial Police Headquarters in Kielce, was the Proxy of the Police Commander-in-Chief for the establishment of structures for combating cybercrime and Director of the Office for Combating Cybercrime at the Police Headquarters in Warsaw, most recently holding the position of Director of the Cybersecurity Department of the Ministry of National Defense. He is currently the Director of Cybersecurity at Europa Systems. He lectured at the Warsaw School of Economics, the WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza and the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution in Kraków. He is a court expert in the field of computer science, cybercrime and the protection of trademarks and industrial property, gaming machines, including gambling machines. Speaker at the largest Polish conferences on cybersecurity.
Joanna Wziątek-Ladosz

Senior Security

She posses over 15 years of experience in ICT security gained in Polish and foreign companies. She currently works as a Senior Security Engineer at Tenable, where she designs, consults and implements risk and vulnerability management programmes, ICS/OT security and cloud security projects. She is a computer scientist by training. She also completed a PhD in Computer Science and a postgraduate degree from the University of Maryland in Cloud Security. In 2022, she completed a certified postgraduate programme in cyber security at the US-based Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She is an academic lecturer and a member of ISSA Poland. She actively supports women as a mentor in mentoring programmes for women in IT. She records her podcast on IT security entitled: "Cyber secure".
Józef Sulwiński

Prezes Zarządu |

Expert with extensive knowledge of information systems security. He has worked in managerial positions in a bank, a telecommunications company and a company strategic to the Polish economy and the country's energy security. He built and managed IT/OT consulting in one of the world's largest consulting companies. He trained at academic centres such as Harvard Business School and Carnegie Mellon University. He completed a training programme on building and managing security incident response teams funded by the US Department of Defense.

Dyrektor Centrum Cyberbezpieczeństwa | AGH

Co-founder of the European Cyber Security Forum - CYBERSEC, which has been in operation since 2014, currently a member of its Programme Committee and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Polish Cyber Security Cluster #CyberMadeInPoland. Izabela Albrycht is a political scientist, a graduate of the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University. She has co-authored reports, publications and analyses focusing on issues related to EU policies, international relations, cyber security and digital technologies. In 2017, she was included in the prestigious New Europe 100 Challengers list compiled by Financial Times Res Publica, Google and the International Visegrad Fund. In 2019, she was named as one of Europe's 50 Most Influential Women in Cybersecurity ranked by SC Media UK. She is a co-founder of the European Cybersecurity Forum - CYBERSEC, operating since 2014, and currently a member of its Programme Committee and the chair of the Advisory Board for the Polish Cybersecurity Cluster #CyberMadeInPoland. Since 2022, she has been the Cybersecurity Centre Director at Kraków's AGH University. From 2010 to 2021, she chaired the Kosciuszko Institute. Izabela Albrycht is a PoliSci expert and graduate of the Jagiellonian University's Faculty of International and Political Studies. She has co-authored reports, publications, and analyses centered on issues related to UE policies, international relations, cybersecurity, and digital technologies.

Prezes Fundacji Bezpieczna Cyberprzestrzeń / Wiceprezes | ComCERT SA

Over 20 years of experience in the IT and IT security industry. Currently director of the Cyber Security Foundation and CIO of ComCERT SA. Initiator and coordinator of two national cyber security exercises in Poland - Cyber-EXE Poland 2012-2015 2012 (critical infrastructure sector) and 2013, 2015 (financial sector) 2014 (telecommunication sector). Previously, leader of CERT Polska for 10 years - the first Polish incident handling team acting as a national level team. Specialisations: IT security, CERT, Critical infrastructure protection, Network resilience
Adam Mizerski

Wiceprezes | ISACA
Katowice Chapter

Passionate about security and integrated assessment methods (PN-ISO/IEC 27005/COBIT Risk IT/COSO) of risk analysis. ICT systems auditor, security expert and a fulfilled "21st century notcher" managing an IT department for many years according to the ITIL philosophy. Between 2010 and 2016 an expert witness in the field of IT at the Regional Court in Katowice. IT specialist in the area of valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets of listed companies carried out at fair value for the purpose of preparation of financial statements according to IAS / IFRS requirements. Head of the Information Systems Audit Team of the Internal Audit Department of Getin Noble Bank S.A. Vice President of the Management Board of ISACA Katowice Chapter - Association of audit, security and control of information systems. Member of the Board of the Polish Information Technology Association and Expert No. 130 of the Chamber of Experts of the Polish Information Technology Association.
dr Magdalena

Manger NIS and critical entities

Manager at EY, where she is responsible for topics related to the NIS and NIS2 Directives and critical infrastructure. In 2018 - 2021, NLO (liaison officer) of the European Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA), responsible for building cooperation in the field of IT security at the European level and preparing recommendations and standards. Previously, Head of the Strategic Analysis and Impact of Modern Technologies Team at NASK PIB, where she was responsible for strategic, regulatory and organizational issues related to cybersecurity and the development of modern technologies, as well as for cooperation with the so-called key sectors and authorities responsible for cybersecurity and the construction of sector ISACs. In 2013 - 2016, she led the negotiations of the NIS Directive and served as the main planner and moderator of the Cyber Europe exercises. Graduate of the University of Warsaw, the University of Konstanz (Germany), the European Center for Security Studies of Greaorge Marshall in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence in Tallinn.

Kowalczuk OT Security Region Manager | Ørsted

He has more than 10 years of experience in the areas of IT/OT security architecture, risk management and business continuity. As an OT Security Expert, he supports the Government Security Centre in the area of industrial automation. He has developed security processes for both IT environments and industrial control systems (SCADA, DCS). He has been involved in the energy sector for years, mainly in the context of security of control and supervision systems - SCADA or Critical Infrastructure. He gained his experience working for energy companies.
dr inż. Andrzej Bartosiewicz

Cybersecurity Business Line Director | Enigma

IT and industrial automation systems (ICS) cyber security specialist with 25 years of professional experience, in the IT industry. He obtained his PhD in computer science from the Warsaw University of Technology in 2008. Member of the Scientific Council of the Cyber Security Research Centre at the Warsaw University of Technology. Lecturer at Kozminski University and Collegium Civitas. Founder and President of the association of heads of cyber security in Poland "CISO #Poland". Co-founder of the start-up CISO4U. Worked for six years as CISO and head of sales of cybersecurity solutions at Thales Poland. Previously, he was, among others, Director of the Corporate Security Department at Netia SA Group and Director of the Security and Business Continuity Department at Polska Grupa Energetyczna, CISO at Zakłady Automatyki KOMBUD. Founder of the Californian technology start-up Yonita Inc. Managed the ".PL" domain for nine years as Director of the Domain Department at NASK. He started his career at COMARCH, which he left as Executive Director. He led numerous international projects in the area of cyber security for the European Commission in the Balkans and represented the Polish Government at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva. For four years he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of CENTR, the association of European national top-level domain registries.

Dyrektor Departamentu Informatyzacji / CIO/ CISA

CISA, IT manager with 20 years of experience. Government employee related to the area of IT structure management, ICT security and information security. System engineer, Microsoft technology administrator and holder of the title Enterprise Administrator, among others. Since 2020, associated with the Ministry of Climate and Environment as Deputy Director of the Department of Defence Affairs, Crisis Management and Security. Since 2022. Dyrektor Departamentu Informatyzacji w Ministerstwie Klimatu i Środowiska realizującego zadania organu właściwego do spraw cyberbezpieczeństwa dla sektora energii w rozumieniu ustawy o krajowym systemie cyberbezpieczeństwa. W ramach pełnionej funkcji nadzoruje zadania w zakresie cyberbezpieczeństwa, w tym wsparcia oraz nadzoru inspekcyjnego i analitycznego nad operatorami usług kluczowych sektora energii, a także zarządza strukturami IT Ministerstwa. MBA graduate WAT Cyber Security.
dr inż. Rafał

Doctor of Laws and Engineer

Manager at EY, where she is responsible for topics related to the NIS and NIS2 Directives and critical infrastructure. In 2018 - 2021, NLO (liaison officer) of the European Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA), responsible for building cooperation in the field of IT security at the European level and preparing recommendations and standards. Previously, Head of the Strategic Analysis and Impact of Modern Technologies Team at NASK PIB, where she was responsible for strategic, regulatory and organizational issues related to cybersecurity and the development of modern technologies, as well as for cooperation with the so-called key sectors and authorities responsible for cybersecurity and the construction of sector ISACs. In 2013 - 2016, she led the negotiations of the NIS Directive and served as the main planner and moderator of the Cyber Europe exercises. Graduate of the University of Warsaw, the University of Konstanz (Germany), the European Center for Security Studies of Greaorge Marshall in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence in Tallinn.

Director | RMOTIVE

Automotive Cybersecurity Expert. 18+ years of total professional experience. 12+ years in the automotive engineering (in Software, Systems, Tests) in engineer and manager roles. Worked on both OEM and Tier1 sides in Poland, England and other countries. MSc Electronics (Hardware & Telecommunications Engineering), postgraduate studies in Software, Electronics Technician, multiple courses and certifications completed. ISO Committee member from the Industry and commerce (Cybersecurity Working group), currently working on the new v2 of the ISO/SAE 21434 "Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering" standard. UN ECE R155 expert - cybersecurity homologation (vehicle type approval, CSMS).

Partners and patrons CyberTek 2025



Conference patrons


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dr Marina Krotofil


Dr. Marina Krotofil is a cyber security professional with over 15 years of hands-on experience in cyber security, with a strong focus on critical infrastructure protection. She managed and executed diverse technical projects worldwide, across a variety of industrial and non-industrial domains. Marina is also an experienced Red/Blue Teamer who discovered numerous novel attack vectors and exploitation techniques, designed innovative defense methods and assisted with complex incident responses. Marina frequently collaborates with international organizations on technical threat intelligence topics, she is a member of the Black Hat Review Board and serves as an evaluator of EU-funded security project proposals. 


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Søren Egede Knudsen


Søren Egede Knudsen is a senior cyber security consultant with more than 25 years of experience in IT network and cyber security. Søren started his professional work with IBM 3270 systems in 1991 and IT network and cyber security from 1993.

Since 2009, Søren has worked focused on ICS/OT cyber security and are today considered an expert in Cyber security in the ICS/OT environment and have been engaged in many large and complex projects internationally within his fields. The primary work areas within the OT/ICS cybersecurity industry have been architecture, auditing based on legislation, traffic analysis, assessments and penetration testing and as a trusted advisor.

Besides as working as a senior consultant and subject matter expert in ICS/OT Cybersecurity, Søren is an international public speaker at ICS/OT cyber security conferences.

Søren specialty besides the technical areas, is leadership communication and how to present cyber security information to the management. Søren has worked as the CTO of Ezenta, a security company in Denmark, as well as Chief Advisor for the Danish Energy Agency in addition to the consultancy work. Søren is today certified CCIE, GIAC GRID and Hardware Hacker, as well as his MBA from Henley in the UK.


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Dominika Prabucka


Information & Data Governance Expert at Hyundai Motor Europe GmbH, legal adviser. Lead auditor ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and 22301:2019. Holds the title of Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) issued by (ISC)², the title of Certified Information Privacy Professional – Europe (CIPP/E) issued by IAPP and the qualification of Cybersecurity Management Manager issued by the Polish Information Technology Society. One of the laureates of the Women4Cyber ​​& Solvay Scholarship 2024 for the Executive Master in Cybersecurity Management at Solvay Brussels School Lifelong Learning in Brussels.

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Tomasz Wysztygiel


Expert in OT cybersecurity. Specializes in creating global strategies, architectures, standards and patterns for OT cybersecurity and in the safe implementation and integration of industrial automation systems.

Has practical experience in conducting security assessments, penetration tests, implementing tools and building cybersecurity services in OT environments. He gained experience at Johnson & Johnson, EY OT/IoT Hub and CSIRT GOV.

Active participant in OT CTF tournaments and multiple representative of Poland in international NATO Locked Shields exercises as a member of the special systems team (OT).

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Marcin Dudek


ICT security specialist, member of the CERT Polska team, where he co-authors a team responsible for the security of industrial control systems. Previously, he gained experience in the National Centre for Nuclear Research, PGNiG SA or ComCERT SA. Together with his team, he found and reported numerous vulnerabilities – e.g. in Siemens controllers (CVE-2018-13805), Schneider Electric (CVE-2021-22699), industrial network modules (CVE-2020-10605, CVE-2020-10609) or HMI panels (CVE-2021-27446, CVE-2021-27444, CVE-2021-27442). Multiple speaker at security-related conferences in Poland and abroad. In recent years, leader of the team – in the Polish representation – responsible for industrial systems during NATO Locked Shields exercises.

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Adrian Kapczyński, PhD


A disciple of Professor Andrzej Grzywak, he is passionate about computer science and has been professionally involved in computer science and its applications for over 20 years. A teacher, manager, futurologist, auditor and consultant, as well as an expert in cyber security.During his career, he has held a wide range of tasks: from technical consultant to chairman of the supervisory board. Privately: new technology enthusiast, pentester, investor, collector, basketball player and lover of puzzles and lost numbers.

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Łukasz Kister, PhD

Practitioner with 25 years of security experience – manager, strategic advisor, lead auditor and trainer. European Commission Expert on Product Cybersecurity in the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) Expert Group. Active member of the International Society of Automation (ISA) Industrial Cyber Security Standardization Committee (ISA99), the Incident Command System for Industrial Control Systems (ICS4ICS) project at the Global Cybersecurity Alliance (ISA GCA), the Industrial Cyber Security (ICS) and Cyber-Informed Engineering (CIE) Communities of Practice at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), and the Aviation Cybersecurity Community at the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

Certified Industrial Cyber Security Incident Commander – one of the top ten in the world, based on the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Incident Management System (NIMS) model.

Ph.D. in Security Management from the Faculty of Special Engineering at the University of Zilina (Slovakia), and Executive MBA from the French Institute of Management and Warsaw University of Business (Poland). Certified Aviation Cybersecurity Expert at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (USA). Completed the Industrial Cyber Security Certification Track at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

Privately, in love with wife, daughters and the Polish Bison Region.

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Dominik Rozdziałowski


A graduate of the Higher School of Commerce and the Higher School of Economics and Law in Kielce in the field of computer science, electronics and telecommunications. At the Higher Police School in Szczytno, he defended his postgraduate thesis on cybercrime in the banking sector. He began his service in the police, specializing in recognizing, preventing and combating economic crime and later in combating cybercrime. He served as Deputy Head of the Criminal Intelligence Department, Head of the Department for Combating Cybercrime at the Provincial Police Headquarters in Kielce, was the Proxy of the Police Commander-in-Chief for the establishment of structures for combating cybercrime and Director of the Office for Combating Cybercrime at the Police Headquarters in Warsaw, most recently holding the position of Director of the Cybersecurity Department of the Ministry of National Defense.

He is currently the Director of Cybersecurity at Europa Systems.

He lectured at the Warsaw School of Economics, the WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza and the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution in Kraków. He is a court expert in the field of computer science, cybercrime and the protection of trademarks and industrial property, gaming machines, including gambling machines.
Speaker at the largest Polish conferences on cybersecurity.

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Józef Sulwiński


Expert with extensive knowledge of information systems security. He has worked in managerial positions in a bank, a telecommunications company and a company strategic to the Polish economy and the country’s energy security. He built and managed IT/OT consulting in one of the world’s largest consulting companies. He trained at academic centres such as Harvard Business School and Carnegie Mellon University. He completed a training programme on building and managing security incident response teams funded by the US Department of Defense.

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Magdalena Wrzosek, PhD

Manager at EY, where she is responsible for topics related to the NIS and NIS2 Directives and critical infrastructure. In 2018 – 2021, NLO (liaison officer) of the European Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA), responsible for building cooperation in the field of IT security at the European level and preparing recommendations and standards. Previously, Head of the Strategic Analysis and Impact of Modern Technologies Team at NASK PIB, where she was responsible for strategic, regulatory and organizational issues related to cybersecurity and the development of modern technologies, as well as for cooperation with the so-called key sectors and authorities responsible for cybersecurity and the construction of sector ISACs. In 2013 – 2016, she led the negotiations of the NIS Directive and served as the main planner and moderator of the Cyber Europe exercises.

Graduate of the University of Warsaw, the University of Konstanz (Germany), the European Center for Security Studies of Greaorge Marshall in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence in Tallinn.

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Izabela Albrycht

Co-founder of the European Cyber Security Forum – CYBERSEC, which has been in operation since 2014, currently a member of its Programme Committee and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Polish Cyber Security Cluster #CyberMadeInPoland.

Izabela Albrycht is a political scientist, a graduate of the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University. She has co-authored reports, publications and analyses focusing on issues related to EU policies, international relations, cyber security and digital technologies.

In 2017, she was included in the prestigious New Europe 100 Challengers list compiled by Financial Times Res Publica, Google and the International Visegrad Fund. In 2019, she was named as one of Europe’s 50 Most Influential Women in Cybersecurity ranked by SC Media UK.

She is a co-founder of the European Cybersecurity Forum – CYBERSEC, operating since 2014, and currently a member of its Programme Committee and the chair of the Advisory Board for the Polish Cybersecurity Cluster #CyberMadeInPoland.
Since 2022, she has been the Cybersecurity Centre Director at Kraków’s AGH University. From 2010 to 2021, she chaired the Kosciuszko Institute.

Izabela Albrycht is a PoliSci expert and graduate of the Jagiellonian University’s Faculty of International and Political Studies. She has co-authored reports, publications, and analyses centered on issues related to UE policies, international relations, cybersecurity, and digital technologies.

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Mirosław Maj


Over 20 years of experience in the IT and IT security industry.
Currently director of the Cyber Security Foundation and CIO of ComCERT SA.

Initiator and coordinator of two national cyber security exercises in Poland – Cyber-EXE Poland 2012-2015 2012 (critical infrastructure sector) and 2013, 2015 (financial sector) 2014 (telecommunication sector).

Previously, leader of CERT Polska for 10 years – the first Polish incident handling team acting as a national level team.

Specialisations: IT security, CERT, Critical infrastructure protection, Network resilience

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Adam Mizerski


Passionate about security and integrated assessment methods (PN-ISO/IEC 27005/COBIT Risk IT/COSO) of risk analysis. ICT systems auditor, security expert and a fulfilled “21st century notcher” managing an IT department for many years according to the ITIL philosophy. Between 2010 and 2016 an expert witness in the field of IT at the Regional Court in Katowice. IT specialist in the area of valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets of listed companies carried out at fair value for the purpose of preparation of financial statements according to IAS / IFRS requirements. Head of the Information Systems Audit Team of the Internal Audit Department of Getin Noble Bank S.A. Vice President of the Management Board of ISACA Katowice Chapter – Association of audit, security and control of information systems. Member of the Board of the Polish Information Technology Association and Expert No. 130 of the Chamber of Experts of the Polish Information Technology Association.

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Joanna Wziątek-Ladosz


She posses over 15 years of experience in ICT security gained in Polish and foreign companies. She currently works as a Senior Security Engineer at Tenable, where she designs, consults and implements risk and vulnerability management programmes, ICS/OT security and cloud security projects. She is a computer scientist by training. She also completed a PhD in Computer Science and a postgraduate degree from the University of Maryland in Cloud Security. In 2022, she completed a certified postgraduate programme in cyber security at the US-based Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She is an academic lecturer and a member of ISSA Poland. She actively supports women as a mentor in mentoring programmes for women in IT. She records her podcast on IT security entitled: “Cyber secure”.

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Kamil Kowalczuk

He has more than 10 years of experience in the areas of IT/OT security architecture, risk management and business continuity. As an OT Security Expert, he supports the Government Security Centre in the area of industrial automation. He has developed security processes for both IT environments and industrial control systems (SCADA, DCS). He has been involved in the energy sector for years, mainly in the context of security of control and supervision systems – SCADA or Critical Infrastructure. He gained his experience working for energy companies.

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AndrzejBartosiewicz, PhD

IT and industrial automation systems (ICS) cyber security specialist with 25 years of professional experience, in the IT industry. He obtained his PhD in computer science from the Warsaw University of Technology in 2008. Member of the Scientific Council of the Cyber Security Research Centre at the Warsaw University of Technology. Lecturer at Kozminski University and Collegium Civitas. Founder and President of the association of heads of cyber security in Poland “CISO #Poland”.
Co-founder of the start-up CISO4U. Worked for six years as CISO and head of sales of cybersecurity solutions at Thales Poland. Previously, he was, among others, Director of the Corporate Security Department at Netia SA Group and Director of the Security and Business Continuity Department at Polska Grupa Energetyczna, CISO at Zakłady Automatyki KOMBUD.
Founder of the Californian technology start-up Yonita Inc. Managed the “.PL” domain for nine years as Director of the Domain Department at NASK. He started his career at COMARCH, which he left as Executive Director. He led numerous international projects in the area of cyber security for the European Commission in the Balkans and represented the Polish Government at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva. For four years he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of CENTR, the association of European national top-level domain registries.

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Dariusz Binkowski


CISA, IT manager with 20 years of experience. Government employee related to the area of IT structure management, ICT security and information security. System engineer, Microsoft technology administrator and holder of the title Enterprise Administrator, among others.

Since 2020, associated with the Ministry of Climate and Environment as Deputy Director of the Department of Defence Affairs, Crisis Management and Security. Since 2022. Dyrektor Departamentu Informatyzacji w Ministerstwie Klimatu i Środowiska realizującego zadania organu właściwego do spraw cyberbezpieczeństwa dla sektora energii w rozumieniu ustawy o krajowym systemie cyberbezpieczeństwa. W ramach pełnionej funkcji nadzoruje zadania w zakresie cyberbezpieczeństwa, w tym wsparcia oraz nadzoru inspekcyjnego i analitycznego nad operatorami usług kluczowych sektora energii, a także zarządza strukturami IT Ministerstwa. MBA graduate WAT Cyber Security.

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Ph.D. in legal science and engineering. Member of CYBER SCIENCE and Legalengineering. Assistant in projects on the use of new technologies in industry: MAS4AI at the University of Silesia and SHOP4CF at the University of Opole. Alumnus of scholarships in Poland, Spain, and Germany. Lecturer at universities in Poland and Italy. Member of the steering committee of the Youth Internet Governance Forum Poland at the United Nations. Manager of postgraduate studies “Tokenization and Process Automation in the Digital Economy” at the University of Silesia.

Assistant in projects on the use of new technologies in industry: MAS4AI at the University of Silesia and SHOP4CF at the University of Opole. Manager of postgraduate studies “Tokenization and process automation in the digital economy” at the University of Silesia.

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Rafał Majcher


Automotive Cybersecurity Expert. 18+ years of total professional experience. 12+ years in the automotive engineering (in Software, Systems, Tests) in engineer and manager roles. Worked on both OEM and Tier1 sides in Poland, England and other countries. MSc Electronics (Hardware & Telecommunications Engineering), postgraduate studies in Software, Electronics Technician, multiple courses and certifications completed. ISO Committee member from the Industry and commerce (Cybersecurity Working group), currently working on the new v2 of the ISO/SAE 21434 “Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering” standard. UN ECE R155 expert – cybersecurity homologation (vehicle type approval, CSMS).

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